Sunday, October 26, 2008

Who To Vote For ??

November 4th is rapidly approaching, and this will be one of, if not THE, most important presidential election in our nation's history. We will have either our first African American president, or the first female vice-president, both of which are historical accomplishments.

How do you feel the candidates stand out? Who do you like, and why?

Let's talk about it!


Anonymous said...

I will vote for McCain as I am afraid to see what will happen once Obama gets in. I'm not sure his words can be trusted!

Mister G said...

Thanks for the comment, I, too, believe McCain is a better choice. I don't say that as a Republican, even though I am one. I vote on the person, not the party, always have, and always will, no matter whether it is a national, state, or local election. My problem with Obama is that he is still too new to "big league" politics (my term), and has not been tested on several different things like McCain. You are right, Obama's words seem to change quickly, almost daily actually. Not sure if that is how most "community organizers" work or not! Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

I too will vote for McCain. Regardless of whether the media is going to address it, the comments by those at his church and his relationship with a former domestic terrorist are concerning. On one side we have a former POW and a VP candidate from Alaska, and on the other side we have Obama (with all the unknowns) and a VP candidate who can't correctly cite who was president during the Great Depression.

Mister G said...

Amen, you preach and I'll turn the pages!! LOL

Thanks again, and hopefully we will all get a great sigh of relief on 11-4 when McCain and Palin are the new bosses!

Anonymous said...

okay, I'm officially a "follower" of your blog. Not drinking any coolaid though.

Mister G said...

Thanks, KC, hope you like it. Write back about whatever interests you, and I actually prefer lemonade myself! :)

Anonymous said...

We're on the same page, albeit the pulpit isn't my medium. Have to wonder how many people actually will vote without truly understanding. Regardless, the next 50 months are gonna be long.

Mister G said...

KC, I am afraid that there will be a large majority of voters that will be swayed by both sides, in what the candidates will say to get their vote, without truly understanding what they are voting for. With the shape of the economy, not just in the US, but the world markets being in turmoil as well, the position of the US in foreign affairs, and so on, and so on, we need to have true leadership that will do the very best to bring this nation back up on it's feet, and, first of all, take care of us (the US) first, and then the rest of the world.
The world seems to look at the US as the catylst for what happens in foreign money markets, foreign production, etc. We have to take care of ourselves first, we just have to.

Anonymous said...

I was told Sunday by someone in the know that if Murphy USA drops their gas to below 2.00/gallon next week they will still net .25/gallon profit. So, yes I agree that the U.S.A. has to take care of itself first, but your point about the world economy makes this economic downturn unlike any other. We may not have one worldwide currency, but computer programs make exchange rate adjustments instantly, so the effects now are immediate worldwide regardless of how hard they've worked to hide the the codepedence.